Belçika Dünya Kupası kadrosu
Ay: Mayıs 2014
On the Sexism of Football Scholars and Sports…
On the Sexism of Football Scholars and Sports Critics via @FromaLeftWing

On the Sexism of Football Scholars and Sports Critics
“People want excellence in sports, and the quality of women’s soccer is not there.” “Nobody wants to watch women’s sports.” “The top women can’t take on the top men.” These three things were said by attendees at a recent congress of leading scholars and journalists working on soccer.
U.S. Secretary of State Kerry kicks a soccer ball…
U.S. Secretary of State Kerry kicks a soccer ball during an airplane refuelling stop at Cape Verde. POOL/REUTERS
“Football Caricatures and Illustrations”, a…
“Football Caricatures and Illustrations”, a project on @Behance ::

Football Caricatures and Illustrations
Caricaturas de personajes del futbol publicadas en distintos medios, como Revista El Grafico de Argentina; Jornal Zero Hora, Revista Placar, Revista ESPN, de Brasil o FourFourTwo de Inglaterra. Caricatures of football personalities published in newspape…
RT @UpperCrustTR: Selam, ben Çırağan Pizza!…
RT @UpperCrustTR: Selam, ben Çırağan Pizza!
Premier League 2012/13 to 2013/14…
Premier League 2012/13 to 2013/14
Hakan Çalhanoğlu, Hamburg’dan ayrılmak istiyor…
Hakan Çalhanoğlu, Hamburg’dan ayrılmak istiyor

HSV: Hakan Calhanoglu will Hamburg verlassen und vermutlich zu Bayer Leverkusen wechseln
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Patrona transfer listesi mi?…
Patrona transfer listesi mi?
Louis van Gaal: how my philosophy improved Xavi,…
Louis van Gaal: how my philosophy improved Xavi, Iniesta and Müller via @guardian

Louis van Gaal: how my philosophy improved Xavi, Iniesta and Müller
Manchester United’s young players have reasons to be hopeful if, as expected, Louis van Gaal is appointed as the club’s new manager this week. The manager has a record of promoting young players into his first teams and has pointed to his development of Xavi Hernández, Andrés Iniesta, Thomas Müller and Bastian Schweinsteiger as evidence of how his philosophy has been successful.