Real Madrid 2013-2014
Ay: Aralık 2012
Sir Alex Ferguson’nun soyunma odası sırları…
Sir Alex Ferguson’nun soyunma odası sırları via @mirrorfootball

Sir Alex Ferguson talks about player psychology to Harvard Business School
Master mind: He might look like a nice old duffer who’s spotted a shiny plane… but Fergie’s brain is always about winning Sir Alex Ferguson last night revealed the dressing room secrets that have kept him at the top for a quarter of a century.
Sabah sabah pozisyona bak hizaya gel…
Sabah sabah pozisyona bak hizaya gel

Incrível! Golaço mal anulado e voleio na trave no mesmo lance
Lance polêmico e emocionante ocorreu durante a vitória por 2 a 0 do Bayern de Munique sobre o Augsburg
The football tactical trends of 2012 | Jonathan…
The football tactical trends of 2012 | Jonathan Wilson via @guardian

The football tactical trends of 2012
Possession is nine tenths of the law In 1872, the 11 Queen’s Park players who made up the Scotland national side looked at the England team they were about to face in the first international fixture and decided they had to try something out of the ordinary.
The Knowledge Christmas special: Did Tommies v…
The Knowledge Christmas special: Did Tommies v Jerries really happen? via @guardian

The Knowledge Christmas special: Did world war one matches really happen?
“Did the Christmas football matches between British and German troops in the first world war trenches really take place?” wonders a sceptical Sandy Brook. As you imply in your question, Sandy, most folk raise an eyebrow nowadays at the thought of Tommy and Jerry getting together for a spot of festive soccer on a patch of no-man’s land so churned it made the Baseball Ground circa 1972 look like the gardens of Tresco.
Premier League Christmas fixtures – the crucial…
Premier League Christmas fixtures – the crucial games via @MailOnline
Sezonu kiralık olarak Juve’de geçiren Bendtner 2…
Sezonu kiralık olarak Juve’de geçiren Bendtner 2 ay sahalardan uzak kalacak.

Sezonu kiralık olarak Juve'de geçiren Bendtner 2 ay sahalardan uzak kalacak.
Sezonu kiralık olarak Juve’de geçiren Bendtner 2 ay sahalardan uzak kalacak.
Skrtel’s tattoo tribute to the 96:…
Skrtel’s tattoo tribute to the 96:

Skrtel's tattoo tribute to the 96
Martin Skrtel tried his hand at tattooing for the first time at a charity inking session held to raise money for the Hillsborough families. Click here to watch the making of The Justice Collective’s version of ‘He Ain’t Heavy, He’s My Brother’
Anfield exec box gets Warrior treatment:…
Anfield exec box gets Warrior treatment:

Anfield exec box gets Warrior treatment
Warrior Football have created a unique mural, with a modern twist on the values and tradition of Liverpool, the Club and the players, in their executive box at Anfield.
Ibrahimovic; Messi Ballon d’Or’u defalarca…
Ibrahimovic; Messi Ballon d’Or’u defalarca kazanmayı hakediyor. Sanki Play Station’da oynuyor. Aksini iddia edenler ise futboldan anlamıyor.