PSG Airlines
— footbaLLove (@footbaLLove) August 8, 2021
Kategori: Genel
RT @tancredipalmeri: Guardiola: “We brought Grealish because we were
Guardiola: “We brought Grealish because we were convinced Messi would continue at Barcelona”.
Wow, it was worth to wait few hours more I guess…
— Tancredi Palmeri (@tancredipalmeri) August 6, 2021
RT @csettimi: End of an era: Messi played in 778 matches, scored 672 g
End of an era: Messi played in 778 matches, scored 672 goals and had 268 assists on his way to 35 titles, 78 awards (including a record 6 Ballon d'Ors) and $875 million in salary and bonus (+ another $350M in endorsements) per @ForbesSports estimates, while playing for Barcelona.
— Christina Settimi (@csettimi) August 5, 2021
The End
The End
— footbaLLove (@footbaLLove) August 5, 2021
RT @FCBarcelona: LATEST NEWS | Leo #Messi will not continue with FC Ba
LATEST NEWS | Leo #Messi will not continue with FC Barcelona
— FC Barcelona (@FCBarcelona) August 5, 2021
#helpturkey #Turkeyisburning @UN
#helpturkey #Turkeyisburning @UN
— footbaLLove (@footbaLLove) August 1, 2021
— footbaLLove (@footbaLLove) July 31, 2021
RT @temavakfi: Ülkemizde çıkan orman yangınları sebebi ile zarar
Ülkemizde çıkan orman yangınları sebebi ile zarar gören bölgelerin tekrar ağaçlandırılması için 30 Temmuz saat 12:00'da kampanyamızı başlatıyoruz.
Hep birlikte, yaşamı da umudu da yeniden yeşerteceğiz! ?
— TEMA Vakfı (@temavakfi) July 29, 2021
European football clubs’ revenue declines by £3.4bn over pandemic
European football clubs’ revenue declines by £3.4bn over pandemic
— footbaLLove (@footbaLLove) July 29, 2021
Premier League’de forma sponsorlarının değişimi (@TheEconomist)
Premier League’de forma sponsorlarının değişimi (@TheEconomist)
— footbaLLove (@footbaLLove) July 28, 2021