Ay: Nisan 2016
Höh(!) Costa https://t.co/MFjIB3fTnj
Höh(!) Costa https://t.co/MFjIB3fTnj
Streamable – simple video sharing
Check out this video on Streamable using your phone, tablet or desktop.
Why Real Madrid’s Gareth Bale is more settled in…
Why Real Madrid’s Gareth Bale is more settled in Spain than ever | Sid Lowe https://t.co/7xT6r7O0qb
Why Real Madrid's Gareth Bale is more settled in Spain than ever | Sid Lowe
Gareth Bale is going back to England. It’s a line you’ve probably read quite a lot over the past three years, only this time it is actually true. On Tuesday night Bale plays at a Premier League ground for the first time since he left for Real Madrid in 2013, but it will be for one night only.
Arsène Wenger a victim of the game’s vitriol…
Arsène Wenger a victim of the game’s vitriol but also his own flaws | Daniel Taylor https://t.co/TbZNsWwDen
Arsène Wenger a victim of the game's vitriol but also his own flaws | Daniel Taylor
Over time, you come to realise that football, for all its charms and addictive qualities, is an inherently angry place. It’s unshakeable, there will always be eruptions of temper and no matter how much our grounds have been sanitised in recent years the sport is still essentially the same as when Arthur Hopcraft wrote in 1968 how football crowds are “never going to sound or look like the hat parade on the club lawns of Cheltenham racecourse”.
Gizmos and gadgets of Premier League referees…
Gizmos and gadgets of Premier League referees https://t.co/dHTxpkw471
A Mug with a Soccer Goal https://t.co/ce6je4mHFS
A Mug with a Soccer Goal https://t.co/ce6je4mHFS
A cup you can use to practice for the World Cup. Buy here: https://www.vat19.com/item/soccer-mug?adid=youtube Please subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/user/vat19com Hundreds more curiously awesome products: http://www.vat19.com/?adid=youtube Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/vat19 Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/vat19 ******************* Let your imagination run wild as your kitchen table becomes the pitch and your fingers become the legs of your favorite football (soccer) stars.
Ulus Egemen ?? 23 Nisan Kutlu Olsun!…
Ulus Egemen ?? 23 Nisan Kutlu Olsun! https://t.co/7umEBFuis4
The Fiver | Prestige earned from 117 years sold to…
The Fiver | Prestige earned from 117 years sold to some soap vendor https://t.co/nS9m9n4ULK
The Fiver | Prestige earned from 117 years sold to some soap vendor
In a season in which Aston Villa have made a bid for television stardom by producing the longest blooper reel in history, it seemed impossible that the status of former European champions could be further cheapened.
Premier League kulüpleri menajerlere ne kadar…
Premier League kulüpleri menajerlere ne kadar komisyon verdi… https://t.co/CVguEv3oNh
BBC Türkçe – Kadın hakeme ‘ütü yap’ diyen…
BBC Türkçe – Kadın hakeme ‘ütü yap’ diyen futbolcuya 3 ay men https://t.co/kQJeDsqTjj
Kadın hakeme 'ütü yap' diyen futbolcuya 3 ay men – BBC Türkçe
İtalya’nın Venedik kentinde bir amatör futbol takımının oyuncusu, kadın hakeme “evinde oturup ütü yap” dediği için 3 aylığına sahalardan men edildi. Yerel basında çıkan haberlere göre halen amatör kümedeki Pro Venezia takımında oynayan Daniele Berton isimli futbolcu, Ekim 2014’te oynadıkları bir maç sonrası, maçı yöneten kadın hakeme sosyal medya üzerinden hakaret etti.