Napoli başkanı De Laurentiis: Ben bu takıma 10 yılda 386 milyon euro harcadım. Kendilerine gelmezlerse onları süresiz kampa yollayacağım.
Ay: Nisan 2015
Telegraph’tan muhteşem Jose Mourinho röportajı…
Telegraph’tan muhteşem Jose Mourinho röportajı

Jose Mourinho: 'I have a problem. I'm getting better at everything'
José Mourinho’s 10 best put-downs When, at the end of the session, everyone gathers round a laptop to examine the photographs, all eyes look expectantly to Mourinho for his verdict. “Not bad,” he says. Not bad? Does this mean “excellent”, “terrible”? Or simply, as he says, “not bad”.
Real Madrid formasıyla 288 maçta 300 gol atan…
Real Madrid formasıyla 288 maçta 300 gol atan Cristiano Ronaldo
Fıskiye kırılmamış. Çalışıyorlar….
Fıskiye kırılmamış. Çalışıyorlar.
Comandante Ronaldo
Comandante Ronaldo
Russian porn star offers Dynamo Moscow forward…
Russian porn star offers Dynamo Moscow forward 16-hour sex marathon

Russian porn star offers Dynamo Moscow forward 16-hour sex marathon
A Russian porn star has offered a footballer a 16-hour sex marathon if he scores five goals by the end of Russia’s Premier League Championship. Porn actress Alina Yeremenko, 25, who goes by the stage name Alina Henessy, said she would bed Dynamo Moscow forward Alexander Kokorin, 24, during an interview with a Russian sports journalist in which she scored players points out of 10.
Mulumbu’nun yılın takımı ve yılın oyucuları…
Mulumbu’nun yılın takımı ve yılın oyucuları seçimi
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Çocuk hasta
Playmaker Pep
Playmaker Pep
RT @fbcollectivecom: Incredible finish from Lionel…
RT @fbcollectivecom: Incredible finish from Lionel Messi.

Incredible finish from Lionel Messi.
Watch Football Collective’s Vine “Incredible finish from Lionel Messi.” taken on 8 April 2015. It has 0 likes. Vine is the best way to see and share life in motion. Create short, beautiful, looping videos in a simple and fun way for your friends and family to see.