Xabi Alonso, Real Madrid ile sezon sonunda biten sözleşmesini uzatmama kararı aldı. Kaynak: Cadena Ser
Ay: Aralık 2013
Mourinho’dan Arsenal’in Noel partisine katılan…
Mourinho’dan Arsenal’in Noel partisine katılan Ashley Cole’a: Bu konudaki fikrimi kendime saklayacağım. İzin günüydü, ben babaları değilim.
Zidane: Brazil has always inspired me…
Zidane: Brazil has always inspired me http://t.co/0Rx5oV83xP

Zidane: Brazil has always inspired me
Brazil have figured prominently on Zinedine Zidane’s path to greatness. His brace against A Seleçao in the 1998 FIFA World Cup™ Final and his performance in the quarter-final classic versus the same opposition in 2006 helped secure him a special place in the footballing pantheon.
Messi’den Barcelona asbaşkanı Faus’a; ‘Barcelona…
Messi’den Barcelona asbaşkanı Faus’a; ‘Barcelona dünyanın en iyi kulübü, yöneticileri de en iyi olmalı.’
Messi’den Barca asbaşkanı Faus’a; ‘O futboldan…
Messi’den Barca asbaşkanı Faus’a; ‘O futboldan pek anlamıyor. Barcelona’yı bir spor kulübü gibi değil bir şirket gibi yönetmeye çalışıyor.’
Uyuttun be Sepp! http://t.co/jpUzh6C75Z
Uyuttun be Sepp! http://t.co/jpUzh6C75Z

Sepp Blatter speech sends a Fifa Club World Cup organiser to sleep – video
Abdelilah El Akram, acting chairman of the Local Organising Committee (LOC) for the Fifa Club World Cup, is caught on camera apparently snoozing during a news conference for the tournament
Dennis Bergkamp ile muhabbet koyu …
Dennis Bergkamp ile muhabbet koyu http://t.co/hnmWXAjb0j
Lionel Messi turns on Barcelona board over…
Lionel Messi turns on Barcelona board over pay-rise allegation http://t.co/uWKwEhwclF via @guardian

Lionel Messi turns on Barcelona board over pay-rise allegations
Barcelona were left facing a crisis today when Lionel Messi turned on the club’s board, attacking one director Javier Faus as “a person who knows nothing about football”. Normally cautious and undemonstrative in his public declarations, Messi’s remarks represent an unprecedented outburst that will load even greater pressure on an increasingly unpopular administration.
Nevin: Why Mourinho is ‘the Radical One’…
Nevin: Why Mourinho is ‘the Radical One’ http://t.co/AoGlpYG87a

Nevin: Why Mourinho is 'the Radical One'
BBC Sport’s Pat Nevin looks at how the tactical switches and formations employed by Chelsea boss Jose Mourinho during matches can influence results.
Borussia Dortmund 104 yaşında…
Borussia Dortmund 104 yaşında https://t.co/TvctLE75G3

Leuchte auf mein Stern Borussia – Dortmunder Kulturprojekt anlässlich des Geburtstages des BVB
Daniel Fingernagel, Regie Dortmunder Philharmoniker Gabriel Feltz, Dirigent Jeannette Wernecke, Sopran Opernchor des Theaters Dortmund Bruno Knust, Text ——— Dass der BVB seit jeher die Menschen in und um Dortmund begeistert, mobilisiert und zusammenführt, ist bekannt. Dennoch gibt es scheinbar Raum für noch nie Dagewesenes in der über 100jährigen Geschichte unseres Vereins!