Arsenal, Manchester United’ta az forma şansı bulan Javier Hernandez’i istiyor. (Kaynak: Daily Mail)
Ay: Kasım 2013
Schalke Ocak ayında Casillas’ı kiralamak…
Schalke Ocak ayında Casillas’ı kiralamak istiyor. (Kaynak: Bild)
Fransa Spor Bakanı, Fenomeno Ronaldo’yu Cristiano…
Fransa Spor Bakanı, Fenomeno Ronaldo’yu Cristiano Ronaldo diye tanıtarak fena çuvallamış.

Quand Valérie Fourneyron s'emmêle les pinceaux avec Ronaldo – 07/11
Présente à l’ambassade du Brésil pour la promotion de la prochaine Coupe du monde, la Ministre des Sports Valérie Fourneyron s’est emmêler les pinceaux avec Ronaldo… Découvrez toute l’actualité et les dernières infos du football avec les analyses, les buts, les interviews et les décryptages des spécialistes du foot sur RMC.
An American Boy Wonder in Barcelona …
An American Boy Wonder in Barcelona

An American Boy Wonder in Barcelona
BARCELONA, Spain – More than six million Americans live abroad, according to recent estimates, so it was not altogether unusual when the Ledermans, a family of four from California, moved here in 2011. After all, one of them got a dream job.
Premier League’de Ekim ayının teknik direktörü…
Premier League’de Ekim ayının teknik direktörü Mauricio Pochettino. Ayın futbolcusu ise Sergio Agüero.
Napoli’de maç varsa tüm şehir inler…
Napoli’de maç varsa tüm şehir inler

Il Boato del San Paolo il The Champions di Napoli-Marsiglia
Ancora un’emozionante video, questa volta dal Rione Traiano il boato del San Paolo, l’urlo The Champions tremendo dei sostenitori azzurri raggiunge diverse zone della città, da brividi! Forza Napoli
The making of Arsenal’s Mesut Ozil…
The making of Arsenal’s Mesut Ozil via @MailOnlineSport

The making of Arsenal's Mesut Ozil
By Laurie Whitwell PUBLISHED: 16:56 EST, 7 November 2013 | UPDATED: 17:48 EST, 7 November 2013 For a player so alert to his next move on and off the football field, it should come as no surprise that Mesut Ozil was rather adept at chess as a child.
‘Roberto Mancini: the Nigel Farage of football’ -…
‘Roberto Mancini: the Nigel Farage of football’ – James Richardson’s European football papers review video
FC Barcelona v AC Milan from the inside:…
FC Barcelona v AC Milan from the inside:

FC Barcelona v AC Milan from the inside
The film of FCB v Milan is here! All the images are first person and the film gives you the chance to see how a Barça player lives one of the biggest games of the footballing world — what they see, what they do and how they feel…..
Jurgen Klopp, the Walter White of Breaking Bad…
Jurgen Klopp, the Walter White of Breaking Bad via @MailOnlineSport

Jurgen Klopp looks just like Walter White of Breaking Bad – PICTURE
One is a geeky-looking boss of a hugely-successful enterprise creating batches of some the finest product available. The other is, erm, Walter White. Standing on the touchline in the rain on Wednesday night, Jurgen Klopp looked like a dead ringer of the lead Breaking Bad character.