Cech görünümlü Michu http://t.co/aCkA3MVOoJ
Ay: Ekim 2013
Willian! http://t.co/uSWhh3DScu
Van der Vaart makas atmış http://t.co/brwki6VjZZ
Van der Vaart makas atmış http://t.co/brwki6VjZZ
Nurnberg 0-1 Hamburger SV (Goal van der Vaart)
Nurnberg 0-1 Hamburger SV (Goal van der Vaart)
Asist yapmak üzere otobüsten indi…
Asist yapmak üzere otobüsten indi http://t.co/NLA92e2E62 #Özil
Güneşte Terry & Gölgede Ivanovic…
Güneşte Terry & Gölgede Ivanovic http://t.co/B5omiXaTuq
Afiyet olsun hocam http://t.co/dEUDP6EBCv
Afiyet olsun hocam http://t.co/dEUDP6EBCv
Yarasın hocam http://t.co/gVT6PwGo5X
Yarasın hocam http://t.co/gVT6PwGo5X
Öp geçsin http://t.co/XnujOLka1I
Öp geçsin http://t.co/XnujOLka1I
Explained: Why Manchester United’s Adnan Januzaj…
Explained: Why Manchester United’s Adnan Januzaj can’t play for England http://t.co/YN1mxWZpV2
Explained: Why Manchester United's Adnan Januzaj can't play for England
The arrival of Adnan Januzaj on the big stage with Manchester United, marked with two goals in a win over Sunderland, prompted England manager Roy Hodgson to state his interest in capping the player. The Belgian-born player, who is eligible to play international football for Albania, Serbia and Turkey as well as for the country of his birth, moved to England in 2011.
“@FatihDemireli: Pep Guardiola’ya Oktoberfest…
“@FatihDemireli: Pep Guardiola’ya Oktoberfest kiyafeti yakismis 🙂 http://t.co/yKDld4oQ9I”