“@allas4: The similarity is just crazy. http://t.co/kCJf3hDvtf http://t.co/VQ9bIMTvKo”

Andrès Iniesta Vs Real Madrid (18.01.12)
played on the wing this game, where his performances vary alot. Take a look at his 1 touch when he gets a cross from alves, just amazing ballcontroll. and yeah, he gets a taste of his own medicine too, haha :p dont be too cocky Andres.

El toque a lo Zidane de Isco لقطة فنية رائعة لإيسكو في مباراة خيتافي
شاركوا في القناة ليصلكم كل جديد عن فريقكم المفضل http://www.youtube.com/user/OmarLiveKora