Hammarby taraftarlarından yeni statlarına merhaba http://t.co/qtZZRc2Ona
Ay: Temmuz 2013
Bakalım melodi nasıl olacak……
Bakalım melodi nasıl olacak… http://t.co/HBX091jJIL
“@GeniusFootball: Cristiano’s Turkish look…
T-Shirt iyiymiş http://t.co/zoDTN3ck33
T-Shirt iyiymiş http://t.co/zoDTN3ck33
Domates suyu içer miyiz? http://t.co/fngymarzz3
Domates suyu içer miyiz? http://t.co/fngymarzz3

香川真司・ファンペルシー・ギグス CM カゴメ 「マンチェスターU」
Manchester United sponsor “KAGOME” Shinji Kagawa , Robin van Persie , Ryan Giggs マンチェスターユナイテッド
Clubs benefit from Champions League revenue -…
Clubs benefit from Champions League revenue – http://t.co/VDNLtL0wZG http://t.co/r3FsnU5h46 via @uefacom

Europe’s football website, uefa.com, is the official site of UEFA, the Union of European Football Associations, and the governing body of football in Europe. UEFA organises some of the most famous and prestigious football competitions on the European continent including the UEFA Champions League, the UEFA Cup and the UEFA European Football Championship (UEFA EURO 2008, UEFA EURO 2012, etc).

Clubs benefit from Champions League revenue
A total of €904.6m was distributed to teams competing in the UEFA Champions League last season. The two clubs that contested the 2012/13 final in London – German Bundesliga rivals FC Bayern München and Borussia Dortmund – each received substantial amounts reflecting their long campaigns and memorable contributions.
“@Theleaguemag: Galatasaray’s Georghe Hagi in…
“@Theleaguemag: Galatasaray’s Georghe Hagi in action against Leeds http://t.co/lcEC4ZEqRS”
“@Theleaguemag: Milos Krasnic with Ailton who…
“@Theleaguemag: Milos Krasnic with Ailton who didn’t leave many pies for everyone else http://t.co/vElAmqMrrH”
“@Theleaguemag: Lucas Radebe of Leeds, Arif…
“@Theleaguemag: Lucas Radebe of Leeds, Arif Erdem of Galatasaray http://t.co/ZOsgW4QTAb”
Tanıyanların hoşuna gidecektir. Manchester…
Tanıyanların hoşuna gidecektir. Manchester City’nin yeni transferi Jamie Oliver. Kulübün mutfağı 5 sene ona emanet. http://t.co/I2391Ic2vS

City new signing is… Jamie Oliver
City fans can look forward to a mouth-watering menu at the Etihad Stadium next season as the Club have teamed up with world-renowned chef and campaigner Jamie Oliver to provide a table-topping range of match day catering. Subscribe for FREE and never miss another CityTV video. http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=mcfcofficial http://www.mcfc.co.uk http://www.facebook.com/mcfcofficial http://www.twitter.com/mcfc