Infographic: Youth Football – Recommended Pitch, Team, Ball and Goalpost Sizes
Infographic: Youth Football – Recommended Pitch, Team, Ball and Goalpost Sizes – Just Football
In previous generations, the skills of tomorrow’s footballers were born on the cul-de-sac streets and playing field pitches of working class Britain, until it got dark or you were called in for tea. Competitive football for kids began at age 8 or so, usually a hoof-fest on a full size pitch, with dads clubbing in to give lifts to away games.
Football Goal, Pitch and Ball Sizes ‹ The Soccerstore Blog
18 Apr 2013 Posted by soccerstore With quite a few changes in pitch, goal and ball size in recent years, it can be a little confusing for football coaches as their teams move up the age groups. Our
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