Topa 4 kere dokunup hat trick yapan adam; Mario Gomez
Ay: Nisan 2013
Pek alışık olmadığımız hareketler……
Pek alışık olmadığımız hareketler… Soyunma odası yolunda Wilshere vs. Mirallas

Arsenal vs Everton : Jack Wilshere vs Kevin Mirallas watergate
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Marca’dan yeni reklam – They say we Spaniards are…
Marca’dan yeni reklam – They say we Spaniards are lazy, that we don’t like getting up early…
Dortmund taraftarının Malaga maçı için…
Dortmund taraftarının Malaga maçı için hazırladığı koreografinin hikayesi

Borussia Dortmund – Malaga C.F. CHOREO Champions League
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UEFA Europa League: Four rising stars – UEFA…
UEFA Europa League: Four rising stars – UEFA Europa League – News – via @uefacom

Europe’s football website,, is the official site of UEFA, the Union of European Football Associations, and the governing body of football in Europe. UEFA organises some of the most famous and prestigious football competitions on the European continent including the UEFA Champions League, the UEFA Cup and the UEFA European Football Championship (UEFA EURO 2008, UEFA EURO 2012, etc).

UEFA Europa League: Four rising stars – UEFA Europa League – News –
With the UEFA Europa League semi-finals looming, we look at four rising stars from the four teams who could each play a big part in deciding the trophy’s destination.
FIFA Transfer Matching System review:…
FIFA Transfer Matching System review:

FIFA Transfer Matching System review
The fascinating report on player movements in the Global Transfer Market 2012 reveals 11,552 international transfers last year and many other facts.
Ronaldo’nun sevgilisi Irina, Messi formasını…
Ronaldo’nun sevgilisi Irina, Messi formasını kesmeyi reddetmiş
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Neymar e o novo sucesso do vestiário do Peixe!!
Em clima descontraido antes do jogo contra o Barbarense, Neymar lançou o novo hit do vestiário do Peixe! ** Inscreva-se na Santos TV e fique por dentro de todas as novidades do Santos e de seus ídolos!
Rooney Paris’e?
Rooney Paris’e?
Mesut Özil: Real Madrid’s Engine Room…
Mesut Özil: Real Madrid’s Engine Room

Mesut Özil: Real Madrid's Engine Room
Javier Lizon/European Pressphoto Agency The International Film Festival in Berlin earlier this year debuted a short documentary about a 17-year-old soccer player playing at Schalke in 2006. What initially began as a look at youth soccer in Germany in general turned into a focus on a certain Mesut Özil.